As a rule, most people try and avoid arguments in any given situation. Inevitably however, particularly where relationships are concerned, differences and conflicts do happen. Many times, they occur from the most insignificant of reasons and can be very difficult to solve if one or both partners lack the experience to deal with the situation. Having an appreciation of why conflicts arise in the first place, and understanding how to resolve them is therefore vital to every marriage.
Here are the top three situations that lead to marital conflict, along with some marital conflict resolution tips to help get your relationship back on track: –
Infidelity – Discovering that your partner has been unfaithful will often come as a big shock. Anger, disgust and even hatred towards your partner will typically be your first reaction. But when those initial emotions subside in the cold light of day, you need practical advice on how to move forward. Firstly, you should decide how serious a crime against your relationship has been committed. Was it just a flirtatious kiss or something more intimate? You need to decide if you are willing to forgive & forget should your partner re-win your trust. If not, then be decisive. A trial separation may be needed. After all, time apart makes the heart grow stronger. It will also give you both time to reflect and to come to a mutual decision about the future of your relationship. Marriage advice should be sort if you are unable to arrive at your own marital conflict resolution.
Money – Financial hardship can put a big strain on relationships, especially if redundancy is involved. Typically, one partner will be more concerned than the other about where the next paycheck is coming from, quickly leading to arguments. The best way to resolve this conflict is in a calm and rational manner. You should both sit down and evaluate your outgoings against income. Identify areas where outgoings can be cut back. For instance, you could buy a different brand of food or cut down on the amount spent on leisure activities to save money. You should also look for ways in which income can be supplemented. For instance, selling off junk collecting in the basement or doing some freelance work can help bring in those extra dollars. If money issues threaten your marriage, and you are unable to arrive at your own marital conflict resolution scenario, then do seek help.
Children – The desire to have or not to have children can be a sore point in many a marriage. Typically, one partner will want children but the other won’t. An argument ensues, and the relationship goes downhill from there. Resolving disagreements involving children requires tact and compromise. First, both partners should confess to each other their fears and/or the perceived benefits of having children. They should find common ground which they agree on and work from that platform through a bit of give and take. For instance, if one partner does not want children because he/she fears it will be too greater responsibility for them as an individual, then the other partner should address that fear and commit to taking the weight off the other partner’s shoulders in return for something that they want.
In all situations, COMMUNICATION and AN OPEN MIND are the essential ingredients needed by both partners when trying to find marital conflict resolution. Start off with these ingredients and you’ll have your marriage back on track in no time!
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