Divorce Counselling

When partners simply cannot find a way for their relationship to work, divorce and divorce counselling are words that enter the vocabulary. A legal divorce is an unsympathetic process designed solely to dissolve a marriage so as to allow both partners to legally remarry. It is not a solution-finder for a failing relationship, and in fact often increases hostility between the two partners, especially as the realization sinks in that ownership of property and assignation of parenting responsibilities, if children are involved, is about to be made in a cold and finite way.

A divorce, more often than not, brings out raw emotion in both partners as they fight for what they believe to be rightfully theirs. Words are said and lawyers empowered on an emotionally fuelled level, protracting the divorce so it becomes long and painful for all involved. Even more frustrating, the court takes power away from individuals to resolve their issues, making legal judgments that could otherwise have been peacefully arrived at if the partners had instead opted for divorce counselling.

Amicable divorce settlements are best reached through the use of divorce counselling. When administered by a qualified mental health practitioner with experience in divorce proceedings, divorce counselling becomes an effective tool in which emotion can be diffused and separated from the legalities of the divorce process. This enables both partners to discuss issues in a rational and controlled manner, as well as providing a levelheaded platform from which both parties can negotiate.

Importantly, divorce counselling helps both partners gain a sense of closure – something that rarely happens when the legal process is taken on without counselling. Partners are provided with the opportunity to end their relationship on an even keel, so avoiding the need for either to harbor anger and resentment in the months and years following. Overall, it creates the impetus for both partners to open a new chapter in their lives.



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